Release: 1983
Genre: Platform
Developer: Nintendo Co., Ltd.
Publisher: Atari Corporation

A port of the pioneering Donkey Kong arcade game for the popular Commodore 64 computer.
A number of Commdore 64 system variants were released during the 1980s and Nintendo titles can be found across both cassette tape, disk and cartridge formats.
“In this game hall classic by Nintendo you play Mario, who worked as a carpenter at the time of the release of the machine (1981) (he became a plumber only in the manual for “Mario Bros”). Donkey Kong has kidnapped your girlfriend Pauline, which he keeps captured on a scaffold. In the first level Donkey Kong throws barrels after you. You need to jump over them or smash them with the famous hammer. Shortly before Mario reaches his girlfriend, Donkey Kong grabs the beloved and climbs upwards with her. In the second part Mario can bring about the monkey’s downfall and through this rescue his beloved. The first stage is done!”
c64 Wiki